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The series of A Demonstration of Chinese Classroom Instruction, based on the long-time Chinese teaching experience of the supervisors of young teachers, exemplary teaching award winners and other backbone teachers in BLCU, embodies the essential methods of teaching Chinese as a second language, combines the traditional teaching methodology with modern teaching facilities and employs demonstration classes to provide Chinese language teachers with an audio-visual demonstration and the clearest direction so as to help them master the teaching methods and solve the problems encountered in the teaching process. 
Adopting the most advanced video technologies, A Demonstration of Chinese Classroom Instructionvideotapes a full shot of the classroom teaching from various angles and lively reflects the actual effect of the classroom teaching of Chinese language. With the interaction between the teacher and the students demonstrated, the series makes full use of DVDs and handbooks of comments to present in a comprehensive way the objectives, principles, requirements, methods, procedures and skills of different types of Chinese teaching. 
The series of A Demonstration of Chinese Classroom Instruction is composed of five types of instruction, namely the teaching of elementary spoken Chinese, the teaching of reading course, the pronunciation teaching, grammar teaching and passage teaching included in comprehensive Chinese course. The series contains 6 DVD disks and 6 handbooks of comments, with the later consisting of an introduction to the type of the lesson, a teaching plan, the texts and the instructive comments. The series of products is suitable for Chinese language teachers and practitioners and volunteers who are engaging in jobs related to TCFL. 

A Demonstration of Chinese Classroom Instruction - 6DVDs+6Books

SKU: 9787887035110
$155.95 Regular Price
$109.17Sale Price

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