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Content Intro:

West Meets East: 100 Essays from University Students in the U.S.A. is not a commonly used phrase in Chinese, but it seems to refer to the intersection or fusion of East and West. Here's the translation of the provided text:

"East Meets West" is both a bilingual writing sample and an illustrated cultural book. From the perspective of American university students, this book describes their unique experiences in China, their warm and friendly Chinese friends, delicious Chinese cuisine, inspiration from Chinese culture, as well as the differences and collisions between Chinese and American cultures. These experiences and feelings serve as real-life examples for American university students to understand China and as a bridge for international friends to learn about China.

This book is suitable for middle school students, college students, or adults learning Chinese. It can be used as their reading material and as sample writings or speeches. It is also suitable for international Chinese teachers to guide students in reading, writing, or public speaking. For international individuals interested in China, it provides a better understanding and knowledge of China. It is also suitable for Chinese students learning English, helping them to look back at familiar people and events from an English perspective.


About the Author:


Licheng Gu, Ph.D., is a professor in the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures at Northwestern University in the United States. He also serves as the East Asian Affairs Liaison Officer in the President's Office at Northwestern University. With over 30 years of teaching experience, he possesses extensive expertise in teacher training both domestically and internationally. He has successfully organized the 21st Chinese Bridge Speech Contest in the Midwest and Central United States.

In addition to multiple published professional papers, he has authored the following monographs and textbooks:
- "新字新说" (2006, San Francisco)
- "跟露露和毛毛学汉语" (2008, Chicago)
- "美国汉语教学动态研究" (2019, Beijing)
- "Language Hacking Mandarin: A Conversation Course for Beginners" (2021, London).


Celebrity/Expert Recommendation:





When West and East meet, contrasting traditions collide.

When English and Chinese languages meet, sparks fly and stars shine whilst cultures combine and people unite.

      Each essay in this bilingual anthology, edited by Prof. Licheng Gu, can serve as a model for students to improve their reading and writing skills in both Chinese and English.

                                                   — Chih-ping Chou, Princeton University




We must prepare students to be thoughtful global leaders, to appreciate that solving critical problems requires broad, cross-cultural understanding.

  • Morton Schapiro, President of Northwestern University


这么多名校学子热情拥抱中文和中华文化,并且能以中文为载体,表达自己的所见所闻,所思所感,足见中美友谊的深入发展和海外中文教师做出的卓著贡献。 ——(中国)北京语言大学校长刘利

Countless students from prestigious American universities embrace Chinese language and culture enthusiastically, using Chinese as a means to express what they see, hear, think, and feel. This shows the in-depth development of the Sino-U.S. friendship and the outstanding contributions made by overseas Chinese teachers.                                                                 

   Liu Li, President of Beijing Language and Culture University

West Meets East: 100 Essays from University Students in the U.S.A.

SKU: 9781625753397

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