The Third Eye 第三只眼睛 (9787301242889)
The Painted Skin 画皮 (9787301208861)
The Moon Sculpture Left Behind 留在中国的月亮石雕 (9787301242629)
Friends 朋友 (9787301226384)
Shanbo Liang and Yingtai Zhu 梁山伯与祝英台的故事 (9787301315453
Chinese Breeze is an innovative Chinese graded reader series which offers over 60 titles of enjoyable stories at eight language levels. It is designed for secondary school and college Chinese language learners from beginner to advanced levels, offering them an opportunity to read for pleasure and simultaneously developing real fluency, building confidence and increasing motivation for Chinese learning. Includes vocabulary in Simplified Chinese, Pinyin and English in the back of the book.
《汉语风》是一个创新的汉语分级读物系列,提供八个语言水平上的 60 多个有趣故事。它专为中学和大学汉语学习者设计,从初级到高级水平,为他们提供了阅读愉快的机会,同时发展真正的流利度,建立信心,增加学习汉语的动力。书后提供了简体中文、拼音和英文的词汇表。
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