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To meet the increasing demand for AP Chinese teaching guidance after the College Board launched a series of new programs to expand Chinese education in U.S. schools, Professor Miaofen Tseng from University of Virginia wrote this book which integrated her years’ experience in Chinese teaching, with theories and practice well balanced. As a continuation of AP Chinese Teacher's Guide, the book offers a successful model and platform of professional teaching for the Chinese teachers through introduction of the experimental study of the AP Chinese teaching to second year college students. It also offers exploration into the AP Chinese course and test, teaching principle, teaching methods, and activity design. A large amount of vivid and effective teaching examples provide demonstration and direction for the practice of teaching theories. This book is suitable for teachers who teaching Chinese as a foreign language, especially the AP Chinese teachers. Both the simplified and traditional Chinese versions are available.

Promoting Professionalism in Teaching AP Chinese - Traditional Chinese Edition

SKU: 9787561918166

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