HSK Chinese Proficiency Test Guide
Introduction to Chinese Test
To support Chinese-language education and development across the United States of America, the Confucius Institute Headquarters sponsors and authorizes Phoenix Tree Test Center (code: 4321301) to deliver Chinese tests, including HSK, BCT, and YCT.
Located in Midwestern region, Phoenix Tree Test Center has served Chicagoland and surrounding states for over 6 years. We are the only test center in the Midwest offers the HSK exam (from HSK Level 1 -6) every month and all YCT exam annually (from YCT Level 1-4). We help with schools, teachers, and individual candidates to prepare the exam with quality programs and learning resources packages while we work with them on test schedule to fit the best needs.
The HSK exam is split into sections: Listening, Reading and Writing (HSK Level 3-6). Each section is broken down into a number of questions to test your ability in all forms of Chinese. Currently, Phoenix Tree Test Center only offers paper-based test to all HSK, BCT and YCT.
What is HSK useful for?
1. Passport for foreign students to study in China.
1. 留学中国的通行证
According to China’s Ministry of Education, any foreign students to be enrolled in Chinese university should at least pass HSK Level 4. Study in Beautiful China Program (http://beautifulchinastudy.com/en/home) builds a one-stop platform and broadens the channels for candidates to study in China.
2. Necessary qualification for applying for Confucius Institute Scholarship and summer camps
2. 申请奖学金和夏令营的必备条件

3. Plus for career building
3. 竞争职场的利器
More and more foreign governments and multinational companies have recognized HSK, BCT and other Chinese tests, and have used them as criteria for recruitment, performance evaluation and promotion.
How to Choose Right HSK level?
HSK 1 – The ability to understand basic Chinese words and phrases
HSK 2 – Can use basic Chinese and apply to complete simple tasks
HSK 3 – Can communicate daily for academic and professional purposes
HSK 4 – Converse fluently in various topics with native Chinese speakers
HSK 5 – Fluent speaking and ability to read a Chinese newspaper
HSK 6 – Ability to express whatever you wish either spoken or written.

2023 Test Date at Phoenix Tree Center

Please note candidate must pick 10AM or 1:30PM session on each selected option date.
Please email ssheng@phoenixtree.com to request additional date/time if none of the listed date/time works for your schedule.
How to register for the test
1. 前往汉语考试服务网www.chinesetest.cn,注册考生考试账号(如下图红圈处所示)。如考生曾注册过考试账号,请登入账号后跳转到第4步继续注册。
Step1: Register yourself a test taker account via www.chinesetest.cn (show as below). If you previously registered the account, then login your account and follow Step 4.

2. 阅读并同意《汉考国际注册协议》后,按考生情况如实填写考生信息(请务必注意正确填写信息 ,免错误信息将影响后续考试及成绩报告)。
Step 2: Read and agree the regulation and then fill in test taker’s information (any error may result in test or report failure)

3. 注册成功后,点击进入“现在注册“(Register Now)。
Step 3: Click Register Now after filling in personal information.

4. 根据考生意愿及能力报考相应的HSK/YCT考试。
Step 4: Select your preferred HSK or YCT test.

5. 按下图所示,选择美洲-- 美国 -- 纸笔考试(paper-based Test) – Phoenix Tree Test Center考点 – 考试日期(具体实施考试日期和时间参照上文我考点颁布的“考试日期安排”),填写额外注册信息及报名照后报名注册。考点负责人将根据您提供的手机联系号码及邮箱尽快与您联系确认最终考试时间并完成支付考试费用。
Step 5: Select (America) — (U.S.A) – (Paper-based Test) – (Phoenix Tree Test Center) – Select Test Date (final date/time schedule as annouced above in "2020 Test Date at Phoenix Tree Center"), fill in additional test taker’s information and upload the bio-shot picture to complete the registration. Our test admin will contact you via email and/or phone number to confirm final test date and proceed with payment soon.

Please download and complete the Registration Form (Excel file below). Only governmental photo ID is acceptable including state ID, resident ID, passport, or driving license). Send your Registration Form and a color bio head-shot photo (jpg format, size between 100-300K) and to our HSK Test Program Manager.
Our test admin will contact you via email and/or phone number to confirm test and proceed with payment soon.
Grading and certificate
After a test is given, the answer sheets will be sealed and mailed back to Beijing (China) immediately for grading by the HSK Testing Center Headquarter. Phoenix Tree Test Center will not be responsible for grading any examinations. Candidate will be able to request for his/her online score online approximately 4 weeks after a test is administered by sending email to ssheng@phoenixtree.com. A paper score report certificate will be mailed to candidate’s registered address approximately 6-7 weeks.