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This is a civil aviation crash course for foreign airlines and foreign passengers taking the aircraft, helping them use Chinese at work and communicate in Chinese. There are twenty lessons in the part of practical conversation, including the Chinese used during the whole civil aircraft taking process, such as “booking a ticket, taking the plane, being served at the plane, claiming the baggage” etc. The part of classified vocabularies includes words on major airport facilities, major plane installation, flight and flight services. The appendices include the table of comparisons between Chinese pinyin and the international phonetic system, major cities in the world and the corresponding codes, airports in major Chinese cities and the corresponding codes, as well as major airlines in the world and the corresponding codes.

The service expressions in this book are standard and close-to-life and all the vocabulary and sentences are provided with pinyin and English translations. With beautiful illustrations and printed in two colors, it is an ideal book for Chinese passengers taking foreign airlines and foreign passengers taking Chinese airlines to learn Chinese.

Civil Aviation Chinese - A Flight to China

SKU: 9787561932339
$31.95 Regular Price
$5.00Sale Price

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